Nantahala River

Our recent Nantahala River trip brought together 36 participants from diverse political and personal backgrounds for an unforgettable experience.

Rev. Dr. Rodney Sadler, a democrat and Lance Moseley, a republican Trump supporter, engaged in passionate discussions, both on the river and afterward, about their differences. Despite their debates, they couldn’t stop talking about how much they valued the RAFT for America experience, and both have followed up to continue the conversation. The trip was a reminder of how shared experiences can foster trust and understanding across divides.

Dr. Rodney Sadler

Lance Moseley

Jennifer Roberts

Thom Tillis

Democratic former mayor of Charlotte Jennifer Roberts and Republican Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), who reflected on the importance of respecting democratic institutions and shared how they’ve witnessed compromise work on both sides during their political careers. In a symbolic moment, their raft guide let each of them take turns steering the boat.
Charlotte-based Democratic political organizer Brandon Rivers and Republican NC Representative Mike Clampitt also connected deeply, discovering their shared working-class backgrounds and common goals in reaching young people. By the end, Mike invited Brandon to visit him in Bryson City, and Brandon eagerly accepted.

Brandon Rivers

Mike Clampitt