
Earn extensive visibility for your organization and your brand, by sponsoring a R.A.F.T. for America event, or by branding any of the video content distributed by R.A.F.T. for America across social and traditional media platforms.  Sponsorship benefits can include product placement, inclusion in R.A.F.T. marketing and media releases, placement on the R.A.F.T. for America website, inclusion in any R.A.F.T. podcasts, panel discussions and online presentations, and mention to the millions of subscribers, followers, members and volunteers affiliated with the hundreds of nonprofit organizations supporting this campaign.  For more information about sponsorship levels, please contact ken.powley@raftforamerica.org.


R.A.F.T. for America is a nonpartisan project of Team Democracy. Our mission is to help make connections  across our deepening divides by demonstrating that as Americans, we are all in the same boat together, and regardless of our differences, we will always do better by pulling together than by pulling apart.  Your contributions and gifts to this non-profit 501(c)3 organization are tax deductible.