(Reuniting America by Fostering Trust)

We are so much more united than we're being led to believe!
And now we can show it!
R.A.F.T. For America featured on CBS!
One RAFT for America trip left in 2024

to help us broaden the impact of RAFT for America in 2025.

Show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections
Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections.
The 2024 season is done but our movement has just begun! Sign up to learn about future trips and other things that you can do to bring our nation together.

Read the stories from our 2024 river trips.  Click here.

Take the Challenge

This summer, pair up with someone from "outside your bubble" and take the R.A.F.T. for America Challenge on a river near you. Outfitters across the country are offering to host pairs of participants who, no matter what their differences, will demonstrate that there is much more that unites us than divides us, and that we always do better by pulling together than by pulling apart. As a R.A.F.T. for America guest, you'll be treated to a transformative personal adventure in one of the most exciting and pristine places on earth! Join us please!
Join the Movement

The Great American Experiment

For two and a half centuries, the success of the “great experiment” of American democracy has been sustained by our ability, in the face of sometimes daunting challenges, to remember that we are all in the same boat, and to pull ourselves together rather than pulling ourselves apart.

And so it is - every day - on whitewater rivers across the country, where millions of Americans, regardless of their differences, pull together to tackle the biggest challenges of the day. Join them, this summer, for a special R.A.F.T. for America event near you.
Join the Movement

Learning To Disagree Better

It's a fact: As a country, there's not a single issue that we're all going to agree on. But democracy isn't about agreeing. It's about
learning to manage our differences by Listening First and by Disagreeing Better.

Let's make 2024 the year that we all get behind the National Governors Association's call to Disagree Better. It's the one thing we can
all do to help really hear one another, and manage our inevitable differences. Help build the movement by joining us on a river this year, as part of the nationwide R.A.F.T. for America Challenge.
Join the Movement

Here's How It Works

This summer and fall, whitewater rafting
outfitters across America will offer free whitewater rafting trips to some of their guests, to help highlight our collective ability to manage and celebrate our differences. To apply for these trips, participants just answer a few questions, and agree to be matched up with
someone very unlike themselves.

If whitewater rafting's not for you, no worries. You
can choose from dozens of other healthy, active,
outdoor activities in every state across the country. 
Join the Movement

This isn’t about politics!

It’s about demonstrating to ourselves, to our fellow-Americans, and to the world, that our politics don’t define us, and that when we Listen First and Disagree Better, we really can accomplish great things together.  We want the world to see that America remains resilient, buoyed by the many millions of us who understand that we always do better by pulling together, than by pulling apart.